We've been feeding to our hungry neighbors for more than 20 years. As one of Seattle's busiest food banks, we help nourish about 11,000 people most months. We are the only food bank in the heart of Rainier Valley, home to the nation's most ethnically diverse ZIP code and some of the city's lowest-income areas. We offer a rich variety of healthy, fresh and locally-sourced foods. Community donations account for more than half of our funding. Find out more at rvfb.org.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ridiculously Delicious Hunger Challenge 'Roca'

Tyler and Sylvia help line the cookie sheet with Saltines.

Before my family and I made the Hunger Challenge plunge, one of my first thoughts, "Oy, does this mean we'll have to skip dessert for a whole week?"

I wasn't about to skimp on wholesome stuff to squeeze in ice cream, cookies or cupcakes.
That's when a simple yet impossibly scrumptious recipe came to mind. A friend of mine had shared it with me just a few weeks ago.

Three of the four inexpensive ingredients would be multi-purpose: butter, brown sugar and Saltines. I've used the butter in scrambled eggs and in mac and cheese, the brown sugar in oatmeal and to sweeten my coffee, and the Saltine's as snacks.

My kids helped me make our Hunger Challenge "Roca" on Sunday night.
Here's the recipe:

2 sticks unsalted butter
1 cup brown sugar
36 to 40 Saltine crackers
1 pkg chocolate chips

Preheat oven in 425. Line cookie sheet with foil. Arrange crackers on cookie sheet. Bring butter and sugar to a boil and boil for 5 minutes stirring constantly. Pour butter and sugar over crackers so all crackers are covered. Bake in 425 oven just until you see bubbles on all crackers (5 min or less, be sure to watch closely). Pour chocolate chips over hot crackers and let melt then spread. Freeze for 20 minutes, break apart and store in airtight container in the fridge.

Sylvia helps me break up our "Roca."
All told, it cost us $9.38 and has lasted us all week. We've been missing some foods this week, but it's been nice to have a treat this yummy to look forward to at the end of each day.