We've been feeding to our hungry neighbors for more than 20 years. As one of Seattle's busiest food banks, we help nourish about 11,000 people most months. We are the only food bank in the heart of Rainier Valley, home to the nation's most ethnically diverse ZIP code and some of the city's lowest-income areas. We offer a rich variety of healthy, fresh and locally-sourced foods. Community donations account for more than half of our funding. Find out more at rvfb.org.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

T-Minus 4 Days and Counting ...

So here I was minding my own business, doing my own thing, when all of a sudden I felt this urge to volunteer. Fast forward to present day (after months of working at the Rainier Valley Food Bank) I find myself canceling lunch plans for next week, planning my meals-to-be (which I've never ever done) and trying not to psyche myself out (I mean $7 a day for all your meals is not a lot! I spend $3 on coffee alone on way into work).

I've told a few friends of my Hunger Challenge and many of them have been supportive; some even offered recipes (which sounds nice and all if cooking is your thing). I'm taking this challenge in the same vein as work: fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants procrastination. (Please don't tell my boss!)

It's 4 days until the challenge starts, am I nervous? Hell yes I'm nervous but I've got a couple aces in my back pocket: peanut butter, ramen and eggs. (Not at the same time though.)

1 comment:

  1. The peanut butter/ramen/eggs casserole sounds like a winner -- think you should give it a shot! In case you're not so inclined, here are a few sites worth looking at for inspiration:

